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While lumps on the penis are frequently a source of great anxiety for the patient, Penile appearance, lumps and bumps. The male reproductive system

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I have lots of little bumps (almost like goosebumps or whiteheads) on my penis. Is this a sign that something is wrong? – Colin* If you’ve never had sex, little

If you notice spots, lumps, or rashes on your penis or scrotum, you may worry that you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). In some cases, however, what you

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This section discusses 7 medical conditions causing Penis lump. A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below. Causes of Penis lump:

Peyronie’s disease is the hardening of tissue (fibrosis) in the penis. A lump or scar tissue (plaque) forms on the lining of the erectile tissue which holds m

List of 7 disease causes of Penis lump, patient stories, diagnostic guides. Diagnostic checklist, medical tests, doctor questions, and related signs or symptoms for

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Lumps on the penis can have several causes. Many penis lumps are harmless and don’t need treatment. Some possible causes are listed below.

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Hi, There are several reasons why your penis could have a lump or lumps on it. It could be due a lymphocele, which is a hard swelling that suddenly appears on the

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I have some small bumps near the base end of my penis and on my scrotum. The bumps do not look like herpes or genital warts. They look almost like goosebumps, but

Have you noticed bumps on your penis? Concerned it could be a sign of an STD? Learn how some penis bumps are caused by STDs by visiting our site.

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