As the same-sex marriage law comes into effect on 29 March, who are those that oppose it and what are their reasons?

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Mar 01, 2015 · Why do you oppose same-sex marriage? Indiana University sociologist Brian Powell posed this question to hundreds of people across the nation as part of a

While religion and tradition have led many to their positions on same-sex marriage, it’s also possible to oppose same-sex marriage based on reason and experience.

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Should gay marriage be legal? in the American Journal of Public Health found that after their states had banned gay marriage, gay, also oppose gay marriage,

Why We Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. While it is true that gay couples can raise ren, and can adopt needy ren, they will not, however,

Defending traditional marriage in New York CityThese ten reasons why homosexual “marriage” is harmful and must be opposed will help you to defend marriage as the

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Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage . (55%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 37% who oppose it. See the latest data on same-sex marriage. Year Favor

According to a CBS News poll, most Americans oppose gay marriage – and opposition appears to be increasing. However, support for a constitutional amendment rises and

Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

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Gay marriage has gone from unthinkable to reality in the blink of an eye. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that support for gay marriage is now at 61