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Feet bright red tycko. Over about two The left foot was redder and it took a few hours to fade and only be slightly red but still visible.

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Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Lullove on what causes bright red feet: You may have cellulitis (skin infection) of your feet or you could possibly

My teen’s bottom half of her feet randomly turn bright red. Is this normal? They are usually a lot brighter than this, but it doesn’t last for

Causes and diagnosis of medical symptom Red bottoms of feet with references to diagnosis, testing, and other symptoms.

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For about a year 1/2 now, my 17 son’s feet and hands will often turn bright red for no reason. He says there is no pain and he didn’t even notice it until we

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Foot swollen red. Common Questions and looks like I have a bright red sock on, He is still active and playing but always trying to lift up the red foot.

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Foot pain. When your feet ache after a long day, you might just curse your shoes. After all, eight out of 10 women say their shoes hurt. Red, white and blue toes.

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WebMD’s pictures help sort out when to call the doctor or simply put on socks and put your feet up. Foot Pain. When feet ache after Red, White, and Blue Toes

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Ask The Experts Should I be concerned that the bottom of my feet are oftentimes, not always, quite red when I wake up? Redness is often, but not always, a danger sign